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18th District PTA Membership Theme 2022 – 2023

Membership Basics 


While membership is the responsibility of the entire PTA board, each PTA should have a designated membership leader. Membership chairmen are appointed; membership vice presidents are elected. For details on the responsibilities of the Membership chairman/vice president at a unit PTA, see “Job Description for Membership Chairman/Vice President” in the PTA Toolkit.


The membership chairman/vice president works with a membership committee and serves as chairman. The membership committee consists of members appointed by the president, or the president-elect if the committee is formed before the school year begins.  Committee members should include teachers and students, if appropriate, and should represent your school population.


Under the direction of the membership chairman/vice president, the membership committee:

  • sets membership goals,

  • designs a membership marketing plan with outreach promotions,

  • calendars events and activities throughout the school year,

  • submits a budget to support the membership program, and

  • implements and evaluates the final plan.


The membership plan must be approved by the executive board.


Membership Resources


1. Tell Us Your Theme and Goal

Any PTA unit, council, or district that forwards their Membership theme for the 2022-2023 membership year, along with a membership goal that reflects an increase over their final membership total from 2021-2022, will be recognized through California State PTA social media platforms. No application is required; email info to: Due Date: 9/30/22.


2. 100 in 100

All PTA units that forward a minimum of 100 members through channels on or before the 100th day of the 2022-2023 PTA term will receive a certificate and a badge ribbon at the convention. No application is required. Due Date: 10/9/22.


3. Ready, Set, Remit

All PTA units that forward a minimum of 30 members through channels on or before the deadline will receive a certificate celebrating their success and will be recognized on California State PTA social media platforms. No application is required. Due Date: 10/31/22.


4. Halfway There Award

This award is given to local PTAs that have forwarded membership totals through channels equal to or greater than their entire membership total for the 2021-22 year based on the December 2022 CAPTA Membership Report. No application is required. Due Date: 12/31/22.


5. Founders’ Day Membership Challenge

PTA Founders’ Day is February 17. Any unit that submits 17 new memberships for the month of February will earn a certificate and recognition on California State PTA social media platforms. No application is required. Due Date: 2/28/23.


6. Best in 5 Award

Any PTA unit, council, or district with a membership total on or before the deadline that is higher than the largest year-end total since the 2018-2019 membership year will be awarded a certificate of recognition and entered into a drawing to receive a $500 cash award. All units, councils, and districts that qualify for the Best in 5 Award will receive a recognition ribbon at the 2023 California State PTA Convention. No application is required. Due Date: 3/31/23.


7. Membership Marvel Award

Units that increase membership over their 2021-2022 membership total will earn the following award:

  • Bronze: 1-24%

  • Silver: 25-49%

  • Gold: 50-74%

  • Platinum: 75-100%

Each unit will receive a certificate of recognition. Units earning the silver, gold, or platinum award will receive a Membership Marvel pin for their unit’s membership chair. No application is required. Due Date: 4/30/23.

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